Dear Friends in Christ,
Our diocese is blessed with the presence of faithful – lay and clergy – who have chosen Canada as their home. If we map the countries of origin of the people of this diocese we see a colourful mosaic of countries, cultures, and languages. I consider this diversity one of the treasures of our diocese. Every year people from around the world arrive in Canada seeking the promise of freedom and acceptance, enriching this nation.
In recent weeks it has come to my attention that the plight of refugees all around the world is getting harsher. Countries are refusing to receive refugees or are making immigration more difficult or are ordering people to leave certain countries as xenophobia seems to be expanding and growing. This is of enormous concern.
I write this letter to you asking that we focus on the world of our times and the hope of our faith. We believe in a God of compassion and grace. And we believe that we are called to live into this compassion and grace with love and trust in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In these days and these times, it seems to be getting harder to live into this, but we must.
Recently, Bishop Mariann Budde preached a sermon that drew massive attention as the President of the United States was the focus of some of the words. She said, “Have mercy on those in our communities whose children fear that their parents will be taken away. Help those who are fleeing war zones and persecution in their own lands to find compassion and welcome here. Our God teaches us that we are to be merciful to the stranger, for we were once strangers in this land.”
Also, recently Pope Francis wrote this: “I exhort all the faithful, and all men and women of goodwill, not to give in to narratives that discriminate against and cause unnecessary suffering to our migrant and refugee brothers and sisters. With charity and clarity, we are all called to live in solidarity and fraternity, to build bridges that bring us ever closer together, to avoid walls of ignominy and to learn to give our lives as Jesus Christ gave him for the salvation of all.”
We need to hear these words in these times. It feels like we are being bombarded with so many messages encouraging distrust of the stranger, the poor, the refugee, the immigrant, the one in need. Our faith calls us to something much different; to seek to love our neighbours, to seek to love our enemies, to seek to recognize the face of Christ in all those who hunger and thirst. Our baptismal covenant asks of us, “Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being?” The response anticipated to that question is “I will, with God’s help.” We trust that God will guide us, shape us and help us to live into this. These are not mere words, but words of vision and hope wrapped in God’s vision and hope for us.
In the readings in this liturgical year at our Sunday Eucharists, we have been hearing, over and over again, a call to stand with the poor, the hungry, the refugee, the marginalized: in the Magnificat, Jesus reading from Isaiah and most recently in the Lukan Beatitudes.
As Christians, as followers of Jesus Christ, we are called toward a ministry of being light in this world. We are transformed by the gracious generosity of God, and we are invited to show gracious generosity to others, all others. I encourage you to seek out ways to live into this.
In our diocese, the work of welcome and compassion for refugees and those in need has shaped and formed all the parishes. It is the work of welcoming the stranger and respecting the dignity of every human being. This is important work. This is gospel work. The world of these times seems to be pushing against this and inviting us to simply focus on ourselves. This is wrong and far removed from the life to which Jesus calls us.
I encourage you to stand up for those in need, those seeking refuge, those seeking compassion, those seeking food, water and dignity, and those seeking home in a world that seems less welcoming and inviting. May we live into God’s calling for us.
Holy God,
In the lonely and forgotten ones of this world, in the refugees and fearful, in the hungering and the thirsting may we recognize your face and your hope. May we be instruments of your peace for you call us to be a people of the gospel of action and courage. In the name of the Word of God we pray. Amen.
Blessings and Peace,
+John: New Westminster