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Instructions for using the St. Mark website

Go to our website


Were you previously receiving our weekly email and now you are not?

There are some providers that will have a firewall that prevents our email from coming through unless you have subscribed to our email.

Follow these instructions to subscribe:

Go to our website

On the Home page

Scroll down to near the bottom

Where it says sign up for our newsletter,

Enter you email

click on


You should start receiving our weekly newsletter. It usually goes out Friday morning.

If you were not receiving our weekly newsletter, then simply follow the above instructions to Subscribe.


Do you want to look at our Events?

When you are on the home page, there is a menu on the top right corner

Click on Menu

From there you can pick where you want to go


Here you can see the upcoming events in the Parish

If you scroll down about ¼ of the way you will see the words List and Calendar.

You will likely be see the events in a list.

If you would like to see them by date click on calendar.

In Calendar you will also be able to go back and see previous events and bulletins.


Do you want to see Parish News?

Click on Menu

From there you can pick where you want to go


You can see News in the Parish

Click on each heading to go the News item.


Do you want to search for other information?

To see the other menu items simply click on the link and you will open the pages.