Private Prayer

Our prayer involves two actions: giving thanks to God and interceding for the world.

For private prayer, download the "Pray Without Ceasing" resource and use it with the online lectionary for daily readings.

See the events bar below for upcoming Prayer & Formation opportunities.

Pray Without Ceasing PDF Online Lectionary
Corporate Prayer
Here are a few ways you can pray with others.

Sunday Morning Healing Prayer

A group of people dedicated to praying with you and anointing you with oil.

Intercessory Prayer Team

A group of intercessors that lead the "Prayers of the People" during our 10am Sunday liturgy. 

Prayer Chain

A network of volunteers who pray for the physical, emotional and spiritual concerns of our parish and individual parishioners.

Contemplative Prayer Meetings

An hour-long gathering including a reflection and 20 minutes of silent contemplative prayer. Upcoming dates to be determined.

Prayer Shawls

Our handcrafted shawls, made with prayer as the primary focus, are of simple design and blessed upon completion. They are given without expectation or payment to those who are ill, grieving, or stressed. We hope they bring peace and comfort to the wearers to know they have been prayed for by others.