Compline – A Service of prayer, chant, meditation and reflection.
On Holy Wednesday, April 16 at 7:30 pm.

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Seder Dinner – A Service of Holy Communion.
On Maundy Thursday, April 17 at 5:30pm.

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Journey of the Cross – 9:00am on Good Friday, April 18 in the Parish Hall for Hot Cross Buns;
We walk to Laronde Park by the knoll for a short 20-minute Service; and then we carry the cross back to St. Mark’s.

Good Friday Service at 10:30am
followed by Stations of the Cross for worshippers at 11:30am

Stations of the Cross for Families – 3:00pm on Good Friday, April 18.
This is a child-centered interactive walk down the road with Jesus to the cross in the Sanctuary.

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Holy Saturday, April 19 – A 7:30pm Evening Prayer Service at Holy Trinity White Rock.
Four colourful characters give lively eye-witness accounts of Jesus’ passion and the beginning of his wonderful transition from death to life.

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Easter Celebration with Holy Communion (BCP) at 8:00 a.m. on Sunday, April 20.
Easter Intergenerational Celebration of Holy Communion at 10:00am
Children and youth will worship with adults.

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